In the
cube sugar producton line, the Compaction molding of sugar is the most crucial step.

The traditional sugar forming machine use compression molding. The main part of the molding machine is a horizontal cylindrical drum, in its circumferential surface horizontal many columns (usually 24) strip mold, each mold more than and 10 square holes. The drum per minute more than 10 RPM speed of rotation. The wet sugar after shock, hopper fall into the square hole in the top of the drum, with the rotation of the drum, is outward from the center of head movement gradually pressing, forming block.When they are rotated to the bottom position, the pressure head is pushed out of the hole. The molding method, also known as adant or Hersey, the sugar is hard, angular.
Since 1970s,The Swedish sugar company successful research vibration molding method of manufacturing sugar, also known as SSA or vibro. It uses modern consolidation technology, using high-frequency vibration to make the grain of sugar consolidated into a uniform and strong cube. The prepared sugar has better gloss, intergranular pore uniformity, high porosity, dissolved faster. This machine is similar to the belt conveyor, continuous cycle operation. High frequency vibration using an electric vibrator to the mold to produce the horizontal direction, the sugar in a small wet box, and tightly bonded into blocks and aggregation. The vertical vibration and die after a vibrator generates increasing will die of sugar unloading to the conveyor belt. These molds are empty, hot water washing and drying after injection, and reentry material. This method is more suitable for mass production.
From the molding machine to remove the sugar cube discharge in the continuous operation of the conveyor belt into the dryer. First, using infrared or microwave irradiation, it quickly and evenly heated, and then hot air drying for 5 to 10 minutes, and then clean it with a clean air, and then transported to the packaging room.