The Difference Of Traditional Cube Sugar Machine And New Sugar Machine

Traditional cube sugar molding machine compression molding method. The main part of the forming machine is a horizontal cylindrical drum having a plurality of rows (usually 24 columns) of elongated molds, each of which has more than 10 square holes, on its circumferential surface. The drum rotates at a rate of more than 10 revolutions per minute. Adjusted good sugar after shock hopper fall into the top of the drum at the top of the square hole, with the rotating drum, was moving out from the center of the pressure head gradually pressed to form a box. They are pushed out of the hole by the indenter when they are rotated to the bottom position, and are discharged onto the conveyor belt. This molding method also known as adant or hersey method. It made the side sugar hard, angular.

The 1970s, the Swedish sugar company successfully developed a new manufacturing method of sugar vibration molding, also known as ssa or vibro method. It uses modern consolidation technology, with high-frequency vibration of the grain consolidation of sugar into a uniform and solid box. The sugar obtained by this method has better gloss (because the surface of the grain will not be crushed), intergranular pores uniform, higher porosity, faster dissolution. This machine is similar to the belt conveyor, continuous cycle operation. It is equipped with 250 surface-coated polytetrafluoroethylene strip molds made of special alloys, each with 18 square holes. The use of electric vibrator to produce horizontal high-frequency vibration, to promote the wet sugar into a small box, and gathered together and stick into the box. The vertical vibrations and mold elevations produced by the other vibrator are then used to unload the sugar in the mold onto the conveyor belt. After unloading these molds, after jet hot water washing and hot air drying, and then feeding. This method is more suitable for large-scale production.

cube sugar forming machine


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